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The considerations of remote work

Remote work
Picture credits: nenetus/DepositPhotos

In the wake of a global pandemic that hit the world in 2019 and shifted it on its axis, there has been a dynamic and considerable change in the employment and hiring practices of businesses—especially corporate-based work—in almost every country. As a result, the implementation of remote work has now become a feasible, and in some cases, preferable, option for businesses to embrace, utilize, and successfully manage. Traditional work environments have begun to take a backseat to what is considered relevant in these times, especially for those in industries like tech. Those who are on the hunt for jobs will be further drawn to the availability of remote work for its renowned flexibility, independence of location, and other favorable factors.

However, despite these changing attitudes that have shaped major aspects of modern recruitment, drawbacks are bound to arise for both the employer and their worker, which are challenges that must be solved, or mitigated at the very least, to ensure a smooth working relationship. It is equally prudent and strategic for parties on all sides to fully understand just how remote work will impact operations and roles within and without the business.

As mentioned before, one of the major benefits and main draws of remote work is its flexible nature, which is a high selling point for this generation of job seekers looking for balanced fulfillment in their work. Remote employees have the freedom to design their schedules and customize their work environment, which not only encourages a better work-life balance but, in some cases, productivity as well. Work hours, which are known to have been previously strict and unyielding, can now be tailored to suit individual needs, whether to accommodate family responsibilities, manage health concerns, or pursue personal interests.

This kind of working environment creates a unique and, in many cases, much-improved employee experience, as they will feel that there is a greater sense of work-life balance being practiced in their work culture. They’re able to manage their schedules and arrange their working hours around other responsibilities like medical appointments or family engagements. This freedom and flexibility have been proven to foster greater overall job satisfaction, which will naturally lead to increased productivity as employees are more motivated and engaged to complete their work at their own pace. When a business has trained its employees thoroughly and has provided them with ready access to constructive feedback and support, the work culture has developed a relationship built on trust and respect for both parties.

Another edge that engaging in remote work grants to companies is the means of accessing a broader talent pool, specialized skills, and untapped resources. Employers are no longer limited by geographical boundaries when recruiting new workers, which allows them to engage in global hiring to reach out to better candidates who may be more suited to the role, regardless of location. This action creates a workforce that is more diverse and robust, due to the influx of fresh perspectives and ideas. Additionally, working with employees who are based in different regions and backgrounds opens the business up to better understanding and exploring new and unfamiliar markets to chart new territories. Such workers would have a more intimate knowledge of the local culture and business customs conducted there, which the company can greatly benefit from. 

With remote work, especially when conducted from a home office, employees don’t have to contend with rush hour traffic and crowded public transportation; this saves time, costs, and the mental expense that are normally spent on daily commutes fighting to make your way to the office, and reduces the overall stress associated with it. On a bigger scale, this also extends to an additional impact on environmental sustainability as well, since the carbon emissions that would be emitted from everyday travel are lessened. By working from home or other remote locations, these valuable hours and the energy that is spent on traveling to and from a physical office space can be reclaimed and redirected to additional work hours or more leisure time.

Workers don’t have to commit themselves to a physical location that is a mismatch for their standards and preferences, especially when inclusivity is still an ongoing workplace issue that needs to be addressed. For example, individuals with disabilities or mobility limitations who may find it challenging to commute to a traditional office setting are well accommodated with the advantages of remote work. On top of that, with a globalized workforce, the business is open to being accessible for an extended time. Having employees all over the world breaks down the traditional barrier where one team can continue on the work that the second one halts and clocks off at.

While there are many upsides to working remotely, the limitations associated with it also bear discussion, the biggest of which is the effect that it will inevitably have on team collaboration and communication among the workforce. In a remote work environment, spontaneous interactions and face-to-face meetings are limited, and the office break room chats that are so integral to employees building a rapport with each other are no more. Catching up with your coworker over lunch break is not as easy any longer, which puts a damper on employees building a rapport with each other and restricts the sense of camaraderie that can naturally occur in person.

This lack of human connection and social interaction can lead to the remote worker feeling isolated in their working life and detached from their colleagues, which may end up impacting team cohesion and morale as a whole. It is therefore advisable that the company be proactive with this issue and work closely with the remote employee to develop effective strategies. These can include maintaining regular contact through welfare meetings, ensuring that there is a degree of involvement and support extended to the employees, and emphasizing team building and collaboration efforts virtually. All of this helps with effectively managing remote teams globally

For others, remote work that is set up in a home environment can also result in poorly defined boundaries between work and personal life. Individuals who are guilty of being workaholics can very easily fall into this trap, and those who live alone or lack a supportive social network are particularly susceptible to this as well. As there is no clear physical separation, it can be harder to dissociate and disconnect from their desks and computers, which may result in longer working hours and eventual burnout. Stress levels may rise and have a negative bearing on mental health, and in the long run, this may have a not-so-favorable effect on employee retention with the lack of job satisfaction and the blow to their overall well-being.

Another drawback relates to more technological and operational aspects of working remotely, such as the potential for security risks, or connectivity problems. Working outside of a secure office environment can increase the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks, especially if proper security measures are not in place. Technical issues like working through an unstable internet and outages may also be more common with remote work, and impede on the employee’s ability to perform their job effectively.

Despite these challenges, remote work still offers numerous benefits, and as it continues to change the workplace and reshape the relationship between employees as well as their companies, there is a responsibility on all parties to adapt and accommodate new measures for best practices. While flexibility and job satisfaction, time and cost savings, and access to internationally diverse skills are the major considerations for engaging in remote work, they still require arrangements to work around. This extends to compliance in international hiring with services like Employer of Record. Whether it be conducting more check-ins into employees’ welfare, sustaining a strong sense of communication and collaboration amongst the team, or even investing and remaining technologically updated with security programs to protect sensitive data. Employment and recruitment styles are shifting towards a more globalized system, and organizations must be willing to reflect that to continue being relevant and capable of hosting an inclusive, resilient, and productive workspace. 

This article is part of a partnership with Go Global. For partnering opportunities, contact [email protected]m or [email protected].

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