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Hark cements $3.5M to revolutionise voice-of-customer programs with video and audio feedback

Image credit: Hark

Hark, a New York-based startup aiming to disrupt traditional Voice-of-Customer (VoC) programs, has secured $3.5 million in seed funding. This funding round, led by Oceans Ventures, will fuel Hark’s go-to-market strategy and further develop its AI-powered platform, which is already being used by several companies.

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How is Hark different

Hark differentiates itself by offering asynchronous video and audio feedback options, catering to the diverse communication preferences of today’s consumers. Traditionally, VoC programs rely on text-based surveys and feedback forms, which can be limiting and fail to capture the nuances of customer sentiment. Hark’s platform empowers customers to express themselves through their preferred method, be it video or audio recordings.

Harnessing AI for deeper customer insights

Hark leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse customer feedback across various touchpoints. This goes beyond simply analysing sentiment in text-based responses. By incorporating video and audio data, Hark aims to provide companies with a richer understanding of their customer base.

Addressing the shortcomings of traditional VoC programs

Traditional VoC programs often suffer from limitations in data collection. Companies may invest heavily in customer feedback tools, yet end up with superficial insights and biassed survey responses. Customers, on the other hand, can get frustrated by lengthy email exchanges, agent transfers, and cumbersome surveys that fail to effectively address their concerns.

Faster resolutions and improved customer satisfaction

Hark addresses these issues by providing an AI-powered platform that streamlines customer communication and categorises data. This leads to faster feedback loops and a reported 40% reduction in the time needed for manual data analysis.

Investors are taking notice of Hark’s innovative approach. Steven Rosenblatt, Co-Founder and General Partner at Oceans Ventures, the lead investor in this funding round, emphasises the potential of Hark to go beyond traditional customer service and provide valuable insights for various departments within a company. He highlights the importance of understanding customer engagement and leveraging customer support as a sales channel.

Converge VC, another participating investor, recognizes Hark’s potential to disrupt the VoC market with its unique solution. Nilanjana Bhowmik, Founder and General Partner at Converge VC, underscores Hark’s ability to address a major pain point in VoC programs by combining innovative AI technology with a customer-centric approach.

Hark’s platform has demonstrably benefited its early customers. Partnering with direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands has resulted in a reported 20% increase in customer satisfaction (CSAT). Hark also boasts a 79% improvement in average resolution time for customer issues, leading to significant cost savings and operational efficiencies for its partner companies.

What do we think about the tech involved

Hark’s focus on context-rich customer feedback through video and audio recordings offers a promising alternative to traditional VoC programs. By harnessing AI for deeper data analysis, Hark empowers businesses to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their customers and build stronger relationships. As Hark continues to develop its platform and expand its reach, it will be interesting to see the future of customer communication and feedback collection .

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