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Ocean 14 Capital invests €10M in sustainable fish farmer Tilabras

Image credits: Tilabras

UK-based Ocean 14 Capital has invested €10M into Sau Paulo-based company Tilabras to further environmental farming of tilapia fish. The announcement comes a couple of weeks after Ocean 14 Capital fund received a commitment of €10 million from the Constitutional Reserve Fund of Monaco to support its mission of funding sustainable solutions to improve ocean health.

According to the company, Tilapia aquaculture is six times more efficient at converting plant-based feed into animal proteins than cattle farming. 

Tilapia is also more affordable than other commonly farmed fish, such as salmon, making it an extremely viable protein source for the growing global population. 

Tilabras is a family-run business in Brazil that specialises in farming tilapia most sustainably – helping provide affordable, low-cost protein to a rapidly growing global population.

Nicolas Landolt, the founder of Tilabras, says, “Ocean 14 Capital’s expertise, knowledge, and the fund’s ability to execute will help us enhance growth while improving resource efficiency. The period ahead of us is one of great expansion and development, and we must do so with an ever-stronger commitment to sustainability. We are looking forward to building our hatchery and breeding operations and expanding our farming and processing plants.” 

Ocean 14 Capital Fund

Ocean 14 Capital Fund is an impact fund targeting €150 million and focused on driving a sustainable and regenerative blue economy. Launched in December of 2021, the Ocean 14 Capital impact investment fund has already made three investments this year.

SyAqua – a shrimp breeding technology specialist, was among the first beneficiaries of the fund.

AION – a Norwegian plastic management platform that uses proprietary technology to offer ‘Circularity As A Service’ to large-scale industries.

MITO – a clam hatchery and Italian breeding company.

The Ocean 14 Capital fund focuses primarily on investing in growth-stage businesses. It is aimed that around two-thirds of the fund will go to companies based in Europe, with the remainder aimed to be used to invest in the rest of the world.

The Ocean 14 Capital €150 million impact fund is on track to invest in 8 companies this year and to grow its portfolio to between 20 and 25 businesses within three years.

Chris Gorell Barnes, the founding partner of Ocean 14 Capital, says, “Life on earth depends on functioning oceans – they are the lifeblood of our planet. As the global population grows, demand for animal protein will continue to increase.”

“Wild fish catches have been stagnant for nearly twenty years, despite huge growth in fishing efforts and technology. So the only way demand for fish can be met without stripping the seas is to scale sustainable aquaculture production methods.”

“Our partnership with Tilabras focuses on enabling this transition to large-scale, low-impact fish farming, harnessing the best of modern technology. As a result, tilapia is set to grow to a $9.2 billion industry by 2027 – it is the future in terms of how we can feed the world.” 

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